TSS score is a raio between aggregate distribution of reads centered on TSSs and that flanking the corresponding TSSs. TSS score = the depth of TSS (each step within 1000 bp each side) / the depth of end flanks (100bp each end). TSSE score = max(mean(TSS score in each window)).
TSSEscore( obj, txs, seqlev = intersect(seqlevels(obj), seqlevels(txs)), upstream = 1000, downstream = 1000, endSize = 100, width = 100, step = width, pseudocount = 0 )
obj | an object of GAlignments |
txs | GRanges of transcripts |
seqlev | A vector of characters indicates the sequence levels. |
upstream, downstream | numeric(1) or integer(1). upstream and downstream of TSS. Default is 1000 |
endSize | numeric(1) or integer(1). the size of the end flanks. Default is 100 |
width | numeric(1) or integer(1). the window size for TSS score. Default is 100. |
step | numeric(1) or integer(1). The distance between the start position of the sliding windows. |
pseudocount | numeric(1) or integer(1). Pseudocount. Default is 0. If pseudocount is no greater than 0, the features with ZERO or less than ZERO counts in flank region will be removed in calculation. |
A object of GRanges with TSS scores
Jianhong Ou
library(GenomicRanges) bamfile <- system.file("extdata", "GL1.bam", package="ATACseqQC", mustWork=TRUE) gal1 <- readBamFile(bamFile=bamfile, tag=character(0), which=GRanges("chr1", IRanges(1, 1e6)), asMates=FALSE) library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene) txs <- transcripts(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene) tsse <- TSSEscore(gal1, txs)