Check the mapping rate, PCR duplication rate, and mitochondria reads contamination.

  index = bamfile,
  mitochondria = "chrM",
  outPath = sub(".bam", ".clean.bam", basename(bamfile)),
  doubleCheckDup = FALSE



character(1). File name of bam.


character(1). File name of index file.


character(1). Sequence name of mitochondria.


character(1). File name of cleaned bam.


logical(1). Double check duplicates or not if there is no tags for that.


A list of quality summary.


Jianhong Ou


bamfile <- system.file("extdata", "GL1.bam", package="ATACseqQC") bamQC(bamfile, outPath=NULL)
#> $totalQNAMEs #> [1] 44357 #> #> $duplicateRate #> [1] 0 #> #> $mitochondriaRate #> [1] 0 #> #> $properPairRate #> [1] 0.9815136 #> #> $unmappedRate #> [1] 0 #> #> $hasUnmappedMateRate #> [1] 0 #> #> $notPassingQualityControlsRate #> [1] 0 #> #> $nonRedundantFraction #> [1] 0.9398066 #> #> $PCRbottleneckCoefficient_1 #> [1] 0.9689694 #> #> $PCRbottleneckCoefficient_2 #> [1] 31.22622 #> #> $MAPQ #> Var1 Freq #> 1 21 44 #> 2 22 12 #> 3 23 536 #> 4 24 606 #> 5 25 14 #> 6 26 10 #> 7 27 4 #> 8 30 1682 #> 9 31 780 #> 10 32 238 #> 11 34 244 #> 12 35 118 #> 13 36 44 #> 14 37 62 #> 15 38 64 #> 16 39 34 #> 17 40 2076 #> 18 42 82146 #> #> $idxstats #> seqnames seqlength mapped unmapped #> 1 chr1 249250621 88714 0 #> 2 chr2 243199373 0 0 #> 3 chr3 198022430 0 0 #> 4 chr4 191154276 0 0 #> 5 chr5 180915260 0 0 #> 6 chr6 171115067 0 0 #> 7 chr7 159138663 0 0 #> 8 chr8 146364022 0 0 #> 9 chr9 141213431 0 0 #> 10 chr10 135534747 0 0 #> 11 chr11 135006516 0 0 #> 12 chr12 133851895 0 0 #> 13 chr13 115169878 0 0 #> 14 chr14 107349540 0 0 #> 15 chr15 102531392 0 0 #> 16 chr16 90354753 0 0 #> 17 chr17 81195210 0 0 #> 18 chr18 78077248 0 0 #> 19 chr19 59128983 0 0 #> 20 chr20 63025520 0 0 #> 21 chr21 48129895 0 0 #> 22 chr22 51304566 0 0 #> 23 chrX 155270560 0 0 #> 24 chrY 59373566 0 0 #> 25 chrM 16571 0 0 #>