Visualizing the footprint profile
plotFootprints( Profile, Mlen = 0, xlab = "Dist. to motif (bp)", ylab = "Cut-site probability", legLabels = c("For. strand", "Rev. strand"), legTitle, xlim, ylim, newpage = TRUE, motif, segmentation )
Profile | A vector with the profile estimated by CENTIPEDE |
Mlen | Length of the motif for drawing vertical lines delimiting it |
xlab | Label of the x axis |
ylab | Label for the y axis |
legLabels | Labels for legend. |
legTitle | Title for one of the plot corners |
xlim | xlim |
ylim | ylim |
newpage | Plot the figure in a new page? |
motif | a pfm object. |
segmentation | the segmentation position and abundance |
Jianhong Ou
library(MotifDb) CTCF <- query(MotifDb, c("CTCF")) CTCF <- as.list(CTCF) motif <- new("pfm", mat=CTCF[[1]], name="CTCF") ATACseqQC:::plotFootprints(, Mlen=ncol(CTCF[[1]]), motif=motif)