plot motif over another motif to emphesize the difference.
plotMotifOverMotif( motif, backgroundMotif, bgNoise = NA, font = "Helvetica-Bold", textgp = gpar() )
motif | |
backgroundMotif | |
bgNoise | if it is not NA, test will using a background by Dirichlet(1)-distributed random frequencies with weight bg.noise. The value of bgNoise should be a number in the range of 0 to 1, eg. 0.05 |
font | font for logo symbol |
textgp | text parameter |
pcms <- readPCM(file.path(find.package("motifStack"), "extdata"),"pcm$") len <- sapply(pcms, function(.ele) ncol(.ele$mat)) pcms <- pcms[len==7] plotMotifOverMotif(pcms[[1]], pcms[[2]], bgNoise=0.05)