This package will create the docker file for the tools used for RNA-seq and ChIP-seq analysis, the sample code and files to run the pipeline, and the slides for the course.
docker file for genomic tools
Dockerfile to build bwa, kallisto, MACS2, samtools, picard-tools, fastQC, bedtools, cutadapt, deeptools, R, ucsc genome tools images Based on Ubuntu
docker run -e PASSWORD=<choose_a_password_for_rstudio> -p 8787:8787
Once running, navigate to http://localhost:8787/ and then login with rstudio
To try with this repository docker image:
NOTE: Running docker that uses the password in plain text like above exposes the password to others in a multi-user system (like a shared workstation or compute node). In practice, consider using an environment variable instead of plain text to pass along passwords and other secrets in docker command lines.
The sample RNA-seq data will be analyzed with kallisto or Salmon + tximport + DESeq2.