plot ideogram with data for multiple chromosomes
layout = NULL,
horiz = TRUE,
parameterList = list(vp = plotViewport(margins = c(0.1, 4.1, 0.3, 0.1)), ideoHeight =
unit(1/(1 + length(dataList)), "npc"), vgap = unit(0.3, "lines"), ylabs = "auto",
ylabsRot = ifelse(horiz, 0, 90), ylabsPos = unit(2.5, "lines"), xaxis = FALSE, yaxis
= FALSE, xlab = "", types = "barplot", heights = NULL, dataColumn = "score", gps =
gpar(col = "black", fill = "gray")),
colorSheme = gieStain(),
gp = gpar(fill = NA, lwd = 2),
output of loadIdeogram.
a GRangesList of data to plot.
The layout of chromosomes. Could be a list with chromosome names as its elements.
a logical value. If FALSE, the ideograms are drawn vertically to the left. If TRUE, the ideograms are drawn horizontally at the bottom.
a list of parameters for each dataset in the dataList. The elements of the parameters could be xlabs, ylabs, etc. type could be barplot, line, point, heatmap.
A character vector of giemsa stain colors.
parameters used for grid.roundrect.
parameters not used.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
ideo <- loadIdeogram("hg38")
dataList <- ideo
dataList$score <- as.numeric(dataList$gieStain)
dataList <- dataList[dataList$gieStain!="gneg"]
dataList <- GRangesList(dataList)
ideogramPlot(ideo, dataList,
layout=list("chr1", "chr2", c("chr3", "chr22"),
c("chr4", "chr21"), c("chr5", "chr20"),
c("chr6", "chr19"), c("chr7", "chr18"),
c("chr8", "chr17"), c("chr9", "chr16"),
c("chr10", "chr15"), c("chr11", "chr14"),
c("chr12", "chr13"), c("chrX", "chrY")),
parameterList = list(types="heatmap", colorKeyTitle="sample1"))
} # }