Extract the interaction signal means from given coordinates.

ARA(gr, upstream = 2e+05, downstream = upstream, resolution = 10000, ...)



A `GRanges` object. The center of the object will be used for alignment for all the given regions.

upstream, downstream

numeric(1L). Upstream and downstream from the center of given `gr` input will be used to extract the signals.


numeric(1L). The resolution will be passed to importGInteractions function.


The parameters used by importGInteractions function. Please note that the ranges resolution and out parameter should not be involved.


A GInteractions object with scores which represent the mean values of the interactions.


hic <- system.file("extdata", "test_chr22.hic", package = "trackViewer",
gr <- GRanges("22", c(seq(20000001, 50000001, by=10000000), width=1))
gi <- ARA(gr, file=hic, format="hic")
rg <- GRanges("22", IRanges(1, 400000))
op <- optimizeStyle(trackList(gi2track(gi)))
heatmap <- op$tracks
sty <- op$style
setTrackViewerStyleParam(sty, "xat", c(1, 200000, 400000))
setTrackViewerStyleParam(sty, "xlabel",c("-20K", "center", "20K"))
viewTracks(heatmap, viewerStyle=sty, gr=rg)