A function to plot the data for given range
gr = GRanges(),
ignore.strand = TRUE,
viewerStyle = trackViewerStyle(),
autoOptimizeStyle = FALSE,
newpage = TRUE,
operator = NULL,
smooth = FALSE,
lollipop_style_switch_limit = 10
an object of trackList
start position
end position
an object of GRanges
ignore the strand or not when do filter. default TRUE
an object of trackViewerStyle
should use optimizeStyle
to optimize style
should be draw on a new page?
operator, could be +, -, *, /, ^, %%, and NA. "-" means dat - dat2, and so on. NA means do not apply any operator. Note: if multiple operator is supplied, please make sure the length of operator keep same as the length of trackList.
logical(1) or numeric(). Plot smooth curve or not. If it is numeric, eg n, mean of nearby n points will be used for plot. If it is numeric, the second number will be the color. Default coloer is 2 (red).
The cutoff value for lollipop style for the 'circle' type. If the max score is greater than this cutoff value, trackViewer will only plot one shape at the highest score. Otherwise trackViewer will draw the shapes like `Tanghulu`.
An object of viewport
for addGuideLine
See Also as addGuideLine
, addArrowMark
extdata <- system.file("extdata", package="trackViewer",
files <- dir(extdata, "-.wig")
tracks <- lapply(paste(extdata, files, sep="/"),
importScore, format="WIG")
tracks <- lapply(tracks, function(.ele) {strand(.ele@dat) <- "-"; .ele})
fox2 <- importScore(paste(extdata, "fox2.bed", sep="/"), format="BED")
dat <- coverageGR(fox2@dat)
fox2@dat <- dat[strand(dat)=="+"]
fox2@dat2 <- dat[strand(dat)=="-"]
gr <- GRanges("chr11", IRanges(122929275, 122930122), strand="-")
viewTracks(trackList(track=tracks, fox2=fox2), gr=gr, autoOptimizeStyle=TRUE)